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~Review~Enemy of My Enemy by Tal Bauer

~*~Review by ~Simone~*~


Enemy of My Enemy by Tal Bauer

(The Executive Office Book 2)

*****5 solid stars*****


Honestly? Right now I truly wish Jack Spiers would be real…

Some people said in their reviews that you have to suspend your disbelief when you read this story. I even said it myself when I recommended it to a friend and you probably have to, but after what happened last night, I’m not so sure anymore if it is that overstated, at least on some points. This is fiction, the reality… not so much. Don’t worry, I won’t give a political statement and I’m less than qualified to do so, but after last night I look at this story in a slightly different light. Who knows what the future will bring? Right now everything seems possible and I’m a bit too horrified to think about it at the moment.

This book, though, deserves nothing less than 5 stars from me. I loved everything about it. It was fast-paced, action-packed and thrilling, but also sweet and tender, hot and passionate. To my mind, Tal Bauer did a great job in keeping it well-balanced, so the romance was not overshadowed by the action and vice versa. I won’t get into the story itself because the blurb is informative enough and other reviews explained it much better than I ever could.

Once again, the tone was sometimes a bit cheesy, but by far not as much as in the first book and somehow it did not bother me this time. I loved the development of Jack and Ethan’s relationship, even though they had to fight off resistance from almost every angle (sometimes even worse), but I was glad that their love proved to be strong enough in the end.

Their chemistry was almost palpable and their sexy times were just… Whew!

BUT… What I also loved were the side characters, especially Adam and Faisal. At times, for me, those two men even were on the verge of stealing Jack and Ethan the show and I can hardly wait to read more about them.

The general situation is still not solved at the end and one sentence pretty much sums it all up, but could also be the word of this day:

The world was still crazy, still dangerous and deadly, and they had to do something about that.



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