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~Release Blitz~Deke (Fake Boyfriend #3) by Eden Finley~Review & Giveaway~


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43482251Title: Deke
Author: Eden Finley
Series: Fake Boyfriend #3
Cover Design: Kellie Dennis/Book Cover by Design
Page Count: 308 pages
Genre(s): M/M, Romance, Sport
Release Date: January 5, 2019
Reviewer: ~Wendy~
Rating: ✮4.5 Stars✮


Word of advice: don’t come out to random guys in public restrooms. Even if they’re charming and adorably nerdy and offer to help. 
My family believe I can’t be happy if I’m not out to the world. I have a bitter ex-boyfriend and an unstable NHL career to show for it. A fake boyfriend seems like an easy and quick solution to get my family off my back, and this guy is volunteering. I take him up on it without asking his name. 
I really should’ve asked for his name. 
Word of advice: learn how to introduce yourself properly. 
In my defense, I don’t recognize Ollie Strömberg right away. I cover football, not hockey. 
I’m not supposed to see him again, and he’s never supposed to find out I’m a reporter. 
That all changes when my editor reassigns me. 
It’s a lesson I should’ve learned by now. Nothing’s changed since high school. Jocks still hate nerds. But even worse, athletes hate journalists. Especially ones who know their secret. 
Deke is a full-length MM novel with a HFN/HEA and no cliffhanger

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I have loved all the books in this series, though I have to say that they seem to get better and better with each book. So it shouldn’t be surprising that this one is definitely my favorite…so far!! I had so much fun reading it. 😉 And most of it is because of Clark…

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor awesome times gif

Ollie is a hockey player in the NHL. He’s gay, he’s proud, but he isn’t fully out. The only people who know are his close family and they support him 200 %… It’s the 200 instead of a 100 that seems to be the problem here. They are a bit too pushy when it comes to him coming out. They feel he can only be happy if he shouts it from the rooftops…but Ollie isn’t ready for the consequences of being the only gay player in the NHL.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor not ready gif

He shares his grievances with a stranger…in the bathroom of a restaurant, while out with the family. Not really knowing who he just laid everything out for.

Lennon feels bad for Ollie. Being a sports reporter, and being gay himself, he knows all about how hard it is coming out in their world…He wants to help Ollie out by pretending to be his new boyfriend. Maybe if the fam sees he is happy, they will leave him be.

And so it begins

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I had an awesome time reading this book. It was funny and snarky and a high Lennon is the best thing ever! It was also sweet and very HOT!…I want to give some major credit here to Ollie’s family. They were great and half the fun I had, came from them. 😉

“My whole family has been overprotective of me since my mom outed me to myself when I was fifteen.” 😁 

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor say what gif

There was some drama, with the ex-boyfriend, who I really didn’t care for. What a douche…It wasn’t a very angsty read, I would definitely call this a “feel good” book. Which shows exactly how I felt when I finished it…I can’t wait to see what’s next and I am dying to read Jet’s story because I have a little crush going on. 😍

I highly recommend this series! 💝 



~Other Books In the Series~


Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend #1)



Trick Play (Fake Boyfriend #2)


~About the Author~

Eden FinleyEden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are full of snark and light-hearted fluff. She doesn’t take anything too seriously and lives to create an escape from real life for her readers. The ideas always begin with a wackadoodle premise, and she does her best to turn them into romances with heart. With a short attention span that rivals her five-year-old son’s, she writes multiple different pairings: MM, MMF, and MF. She’s also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don’t make sense to anyone else.

~Author Links~

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  Good luck, my friends! 😀




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